Thursday, January 10, 2013


My family of 4 currently has a 1000 piece puzzle laying on our kitchen table.  When we started separating pieces last night, I couldn't help but think of this service project and the elderly it may help.  Another simple way to help elderly, especially those with memory disorders such as Alzheimer's, is to collect and donate puzzles to local nursing homes, senior centers, etc.

This website suggests puzzle collection sites for shoppers to donate to this project.  This project is inspired by, if you would like to find out more about the benefits of puzzles to these men and women.

To go beyond donating puzzles, it would be WONDERFUL to spend time working on the puzzles with the elderly!  

For more information/ideas:

A Different Kind of Service

Service men and women really know how to serve and since this is a blog about different services ideas; I was excited to find a way to serve them too!  Many servicemen and women have noble, heroic stories and lessons from which we can learn, but they aren't given the opportunity to share.  A way we can serve them is to help preserve their story.  This service idea is to interview war veterans (with caretakers' and their permission) and fill out proper forms etc to be able to preserve their stories through the Library of Congress.  I had no idea there was a program like this, but I love it!  This is a great opportunity to give of our time, rather than serving others monetarily.

Here is the link with information on the process:

My Stuff Bags

I found an great program out of California that compile bags of "stuff" for children who have to quickly flee abusive homes.  Giving children comfort in something to hold on to and call their own.  My Stuff Bags hands out bright blue duffel bags to the children with items such as:
stuffed animals
coloring books/crayons
small toys
hand crafted items

I was also really excited to find out that they ask for new or handmade blankets too.  I can sew square things like blankets!  :)

Link to My Stuff Bags: