Monday, August 8, 2011

Dressed in Love

Little Dresses for Africa take handmade dresses and distribute them to young girls in Africa to enjoy and know they are loved.  A motto of "changing lives one dress at a time..." encourages us to use our talents to make dresses for these sweet girls!  Please check out:

Color A Smile!

Love, love, LOVE this program!  My three-year-old loves to color pictures for people and this is a great way for her to continue creating for others.  :)  Color a Smile program takes crayon drawn pictures by children and distributes them to nursing homes, meals on wheels, etc.  What a great way to teach our children to think about others!

So you think you can sew?...

Hooray!  Here is a big list of sewn items that YOU can make for different charities that take donations.  Lots of great ideas and patterns included with many.  Also, if you like the idea for a sewn item, but don't want to send it to that charity, then make some for people locally and help your community.  Have fun!

Are You Up For A Challenge?

What an awesome idea!  Do you like a challenge?  Beading For A Cure has a direct challenge for us.  Here is the challenge:

If you don't think you're up for the challenge, then consider supporting their program by bidding on items on ebay that others have created through the challenge.  The bidding starts in March during colorectal cancer awareness month and goes for about 6 weeks.  This is beautiful and creative beadwork!

Calling All Quilters!

Quilters are needed for the Quilts Of Valor Foundation!  They have some simple directions for the quilts they accept and they also take fabric donations.

The QOVF mission statement:

Welcome to the Quilts of Valor Foundation
The mission of the QOV Foundation is to cover ALL those service- members and veterans touched by war with Wartime Quilts called Quilts of Valor (QOVs).?This foundation is not about politics. It's about people.

Who needs a makeover?

I found another awesome program!  Enchanted Makeovers helps to "makeover" women and children's shelters into a comfortable place of recovery and growth.  They really encourage handmade items to show love and promote recovery.  Here is information about their program:

If you're ready to start making some handmade items for them, then here is the link to contact them and get started:

afghans for Afghans

We've had a busy summer, but I'm ready to get back into blogging about ways to help others.  I came across this group doing some great work for Afghan refugees.  If you are talented and can knit or crochet, then please consider trying this program.  They take knitted or crocheted socks, blankets, hats, scarves, sweaters, etc.  Send some warm love overseas!  :)